No Bad Days

As the first month of the New Year comes to an end I’ve decided to establish a new set of goals for myself. Attempting to stay away from cliche “New Year” resolutions this girl is setting new ideals.

2017 was a great, yet stressful year. A year full of growth and amazing experiences. Ranging from prom to graduation to promotion and traveling trainer trips for my job. It’s safe to say that the year came at me full force and just as my parents advised I hit the ground running. Fortunately I had the support of my family throughout it all.

The best piece of advice I can give to any eager 18 year old “ready” to take on this world is SLOW DOWN. Just as I’m sure we’ve all heard from some adult in our life “slow down, adulthood will be there, enjoy your youth” or something along those lines. Well I can attest to doing the complete opposite, fortunately for myself my path leveled out.

To give you an idea of how quick I like to move I turned 18 on May 10, 2017, I graduated on June 4, 2017, while in college courses and AP classes I was training to be a manager for the company I work for. FYI I would not recommend doing so unless you’re strong minded and okay with 4-5 hours of sleep (I blame my addiction to coffee on AP exams). Anyhow I was SUPER excited for high school to be done with, I completed high school the exact way I wanted to finish. I had great grades, college courses had already begun (some completed) and a promotion in the works.

It was a few months after graduation in which this girl started to crash. I wasn’t where I wanted to be with school or work to say the least. I felt completely and utterly defeated. For that time in my life I had not conquered everything I had set out too. I allowed frustration to get the best of me. I struggled with work for a time, the thing was I knew I could be better and that I wanted to grow I just “couldnt”. (Note to self, remove words like our from your vocabulary if you ever want to succeed.)

After LONG discussions with my parents, mostly with my amazing mom, I came to terms that the key to success was failure. Yes, I know strange, yet if anyone were to ask me how to be great I would say don’t be afraid to be fall down a couple of times because failure is the best teacher. Months later I’m a much happier person (still just 18) I am a car owner, stock investor, manager, etc. I was fortunate enough to have wise parents that guided me through tough times a bit earlier than most people are able too.

By changing my mindset and embracing failure rather than running from it I’ve grown in all aspects of my life. I love my job and I’ve been successful, something I had begun to doubt. I’m changing my focus of study to business management / real state (maybe still law) who knows?

The point is we can see failure one of two ways, a dead end, or a minor road block that slows you down but doesn’t stop you entirely. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been fortunate enough to receive is to “grow through what you go through”. Super cheesy, I know, yet beneficial to a person with a growth mindset. A person who intends to master each circumstance they encounter. If we fall and jump back up, the next roadblock will be smaller, everyday may not be a good day but there is something good in everyday.


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